Saturday, January 8, 2022



  • Here's when you can return:


  • You do not have to quarantine if you are up-to-date on recommended vaccines:

    • 2-dose vaccine - It’s been at least 2 weeks since you received the second dose OR
    • Single-dose vaccine - 2 weeks since you received the the single-dose vaccine OR
    • Eligible for booster (18 years and older) - 2 weeks since you received the booster dose (there must be at least 6 months between your last vaccine dose of the 2-dose vaccine and at least 2 months between your last dose of the single-dose vaccine to be eligible for the booster dose) OR
    • Ages of 5-17 and have completed a primary series of COVID-19 vaccines (boosters are not required for this age group) AND
    • You have not developed symptoms since your exposure to COVID-19

    Must provide dated proof of vaccination to return to school without completing the quarantine requirements. If you are eligible for a booster and have not received it, you are not considered up-to-date on recommended vaccines.


    • Individuals who have not developed symptoms since your exposure to COVID-19 and have had confirmed COVID-19 within the last 90 days (tested positive using a viral test) do not need to quarantine. The person must continue to wear a mask for 10 days after the exposure.


      • May return if it has been 5 days since diagnosed with COVID-19 AND  
      • Have not developed any symptoms 
      • Must continue to wear a mask when returning from 5-day quarantine
      • If unable to wear a mask, must stay home for an additional 5 days


    • The NC Department of Health and Human Services requires additional health precautions if you have one of these symptoms often associated with COVID-19:

      • Fever or chills
      • Cough
      • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
      • Fatigue
      • Muscle or body aches
      • Headache
      • New loss of taste or smell
      • Sore throat
      • Congestion or runny nose
      • Nausea or vomiting
      • Diarrhea
      • With COVID-19 symptoms and a positive COVID-19 test

        • May return from quarantine if it has been at least 5 days since you first had symptoms or from date of positive test AND 
        • Fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicine AND 
        • Symptoms have improved
        • Must continue to wear a mask when returning from 5-day quarantine
        • If unable to wear a mask, must stay home for an additional 5 days


        With COVID-19 symptoms and a negative COVID-19 test

        Have not been exposed to someone with COVID-19, have a negative COVID-19 test and have COVID-19 symptoms, may return if:

        • Negative PCR/Molecular or rapid antigen test AND
        • Fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicine AND
        • Symptoms have improved


        Have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, have a negative COVID-19 test and have COVID-19 symptoms, may return if:

        • Negative PCR/Molecular test AND
        • Fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicine  AND
        • Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving

        With COVID-19 symptoms and have not been tested for COVID-19 or does not have an alternative medical diagnosis 

        • May return if it has been at least 5 days since first symptoms AND 
        • Fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicine AND 
        • Symptoms have improved
        • Must continue to wear a mask when returning from 5-day quarantine
        • If unable to wear a mask, must stay home for an additional 5 days

        With COVID-19 symptoms and an alternative medical diagnosis

        • May return if there is a diagnosis other than COVID-19 (like a stomach virus, ear infection, etc.) from a healthcare professional to explain the COVID-19-like symptoms AND
        • Fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicine AND 
        • Have felt well for 24 hours 
        • The health care provider is not required to detail the specifics of the alternate diagnosis 


        Symptoms due to COVID-19 Vaccination

        If you experience side effects during the first few days after receiving a COVID-19 vaccination, you should stay home until you are no longer experiencing symptoms and fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicine. You are not required to present an alternate diagnosis, negative COVID-19 test, or stay home for 5 days in order to return to school or work.

        Symptoms not associated with COVID-19

        If you are experiencing symptoms not on the NCDHHS COVID-19 symptom list above (like ear ache, stomach ache), you may return to school after you have been fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicine AND symptoms have improved.

      • Exposed to someone with COVID-19

        Not vaccinated or have not received booster (if eligible)

        • Quarantine (stay away from others) for 5 days
        • The 5 days of quarantine begin on the day after the last known close contact with the COVID-19 positive individual
        • Should test on day 5, if possible
        • Must continue to wear a mask when returning from 5-day quarantine
        • If unable to wear a mask, must stay home for an additional 5 days

        Vaccinated and eligible for a booster, but not yet been boosted

        • Quarantine (stay away from others) for 5 days
        • The 5 days of quarantine begin on the day after the last known close contact with the COVID-19 positive individual
        • Should test on day 5, if possible
        • Must continue to wear a mask when returning from 5-day quarantine
        • If unable to wear a mask, must stay home for an additional 5 days

        Vaccinated, and have either received a booster or are not yet eligible for a booster and have not developed symptoms since your exposure to COVID-19

        • You do not need to quarantine (stay away from others)
        • Should test on day 5, if possible
        • Must wear a mask for 10 days



        You do not need to quarantine (stay away from others) if masks were being worn appropriately and consistently by both the person with COVID-19 and the potential exposed person. This applies to exposures in classrooms, other in-school settings, extracurricular activities, including athletic activities and school transportation.


        Living with someone diagnosed with COVID-19

        Not vaccinated or have not received booster (if eligible) 

        • Quarantine (stay away from others) for 5 days
        • The 5 days of quarantine begin on the day after the last known close contact with the COVID-19 positive individual
        • Should test on day 5, if possible
        • Must continue to wear a mask when returning from 5-day quarantine
        • If unable to wear a mask, must stay home for an additional 5 days

        Vaccinated and eligible for a booster, but not yet been boosted

        • Quarantine (stay away from others) for 5 days
        • The 5 days of quarantine begin on the day after the last known close contact with the COVID-19 positive individual
        • Should test on day 5, if possible
        • Must continue to wear a mask when returning from 5-day quarantine
        • If unable to wear a mask, must stay home for an additional 5 days

        Vaccinated, and have either received a booster or are not yet eligible for a booster and have not developed symptoms since your exposure to COVID-19

        • You do not need to quarantine (stay away from others) 
        • Should test on day 5, if possible
        • Must wear a mask for 10 days


      • A “cluster” is defined by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services as five or more linked cases in the same facility within 14 days.

        If your COVID-19 exposure is connected to a cluster of cases, Wake County Public Health may require you to quarantine for the full 14 day incubation period. That’s how long it could take from the time you’re exposed to the virus and when you could start experiencing symptoms. The local health department will only impose this requirement if they believe it is necessary to stop the spread of the virus within the facility.


      • If you are worried you may have been exposed and are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, you can be tested at one of the free testing locations throughout Wake County. You may also consult with your healthcare provider or call the Wake County COVID Hotline at 888-675-4567​​​​​​​.

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Junior League Enrichment March 15, 2022

 F irst we could go through the food groups/healthy plate video and activities.     https://www.healthyeating...