- COVID-19 positive
2. Exposed
3.COVID-19 symptoms
Not positive and not exposed
1. COVID-19 Positive Individuals
Use this chart for individuals
who tested positive for COVID-19
Community exposure means that they were exposed to COVID-19 by someone who does not live in the same house.
- OR-
3. Individuals with COVID-19 Symptoms
Use this chart for everyone else
with symptoms who doesn’t fall
into the other categories.
Household exposure means that they were exposed to COVID-19 by someone who lives in their home.
Fever or chills | Cough | Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing | Fatigue
Muscle or body aches | Headache | New loss of taste or smell | Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose | Nausea or vomiting | Diarrhea
2-dose vaccine (2 weeks since the second dose) -OR- Single-dose vaccine (2 weeks since the single-dose)
AND, if eligible, have received a booster.
- COVID-19 positive
2. Exposed
3.COVID-19 symptoms
Not positive and not exposed
1. COVID-19 Positive Individuals
Use this chart for individuals
who tested positive for COVID-19
Community exposure means that they were exposed to COVID-19 by someone who does not live in the same house.
- OR-
3. Individuals with COVID-19 Symptoms
Use this chart for everyone else
with symptoms who doesn’t fall
into the other categories.
Household exposure means that they were exposed to COVID-19 by someone who lives in their home.
Muscle or body aches | Headache | New loss of taste or smell | Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose | Nausea or vomiting | Diarrhea
Ages 18 years and older: 2 weeks since the booster; Ages 5-17 and have completed a primary series
Yes, they have symptoms1 and a positive COVID-19 test
Yes, they have symptoms1 and a positive COVID-19 test
At least 5 days from your first symptoms OR from date of positive test
Day 6 (if able to wear a mask consistently and appropriately) OR Day 11 (if unable to wear a mask consistently and appropriately)
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Not required to return.
No symptoms
and a positive PCR COVID-19 test
At least 5 days from your first symptoms OR from date of positive test
Day 6 (if able to wear a mask consistently and appropriately) OR Day 11 (if unable to wear a mask consistently and appropriately)
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Not required to return.
No symptoms
and a positive PCR COVID-19 test
5 days from positive test
Day 6 (if able to wear a mask consistently and appropriately) OR Day 11 (if unable to wear a mask consistently and appropriately)
Not required to return.
No symptoms
and a positive Antigen test
5 days from positive test
Day 6 (if able to wear a mask consistently and appropriately) OR Day 11 (if unable to wear a mask consistently and appropriately)
Not required to return.
No symptoms
and a positive Antigen test
5 days from positive test
May return with a negative PCR taken within 24-48 hours following the positive antigen
Otherwise, Day 6 (if able to wear a mask consistently and appropriately) OR Day 11 (if unable to wear a mask consistently and appropriately)
PCR test
Not required to return unless using the PCR test to shorten your quarantine.
5 days from positive test
May return with a negative PCR taken within 24-48 hours following the positive antigen
Otherwise, Day 6 (if able to wear a mask consistently and appropriately) OR Day 11 (if unable to wear a mask consistently and appropriately)
PCR test
Not required to return unless using the PCR test to shorten your quarantine.
Yes, they have symptoms1
Yes, they have symptoms1
and they have a negative PCR test
Negative PCR test
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
PCR test
Negative PCR test
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
PCR test
Yes, they have symptoms1
And an Alternate Diagnosis
No quarantine. They should stay home until they can provide an alternate diagnosis
The healthcare provider is not required to detail the specifics of the alternate diagnosis.
May return if there is a diagnosis provided by a healthcare professional that identifies a cause of illness other than COVID-19 (eg. stomach virus, ear infection)
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Not required to return
Yes, they have symptoms1
No quarantine. They should stay home until they can provide an alternate diagnosis
The healthcare provider is not required to detail the specifics of the alternate diagnosis.
May return if there is a diagnosis provided by a healthcare professional that identifies a cause of illness other than COVID-19 (eg. stomach virus, ear infection)
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Not required to return
Yes, they have symptoms1
And a negative Antigen test,
And they are vaccinated.2
No quarantine
With negative Antigen test and proof of vaccination
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Antigen test
Yes, they have symptoms1
And a negative Antigen test,
And they had COVID-19 in the last 90 days (#2A4)
No quarantine
With negative Antigen test and dated proof of prior COVID-19 diagnosis
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication, Symptoms have improved.
Antigen test
Yes, they have symptoms1
And they do not fit any of the above categories.
No quarantine
With negative Antigen test and proof of vaccination
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Antigen test
Yes, they have symptoms1
And a negative Antigen test,
And they had COVID-19 in the last 90 days (#2A4)
No quarantine
With negative Antigen test and dated proof of prior COVID-19 diagnosis
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication, Symptoms have improved.
Antigen test
Yes, they have symptoms1
And they do not fit any of the above categories.
5 days from the first day of symptoms
Day 6 (if able to wear a mask consistently and appropriately) OR Day 11 (if unable to wear a mask consistently and appropriately)
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Not required to return
No Symptoms
5 days from the first day of symptoms
Day 6 (if able to wear a mask consistently and appropriately) OR Day 11 (if unable to wear a mask consistently and appropriately)
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Not required to return
No Symptoms
May remain at school/work
Must continue to wear a mask.
Not required to return
If possible, test on day 1 (the day you are notified of the exposure) and also test on day 5.
May remain at school/work
Must continue to wear a mask.
Not required to return
If possible, test on day 1 (the day you are notified of the exposure) and also test on day 5.
If they have no symptoms, first check to see if they qualify for quarantine exemptions in the chart below:
No Symptoms
And individual is vaccinated 2
No Symptoms
And individual is vaccinated 2
No quarantine if up to date on recommended vaccines.
Must show dated proof of vaccination to return
Must continue to wear a mask.
Not required to return, but if possible, test on Day 5.
No Symptoms
And the individual was diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 90 days
No quarantine if up to date on recommended vaccines.
Must show dated proof of vaccination to return
Must continue to wear a mask.
Not required to return, but if possible, test on Day 5.
No Symptoms
And the individual was diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 90 days
No quarantine.
Must continue to wear a mask.
Not required to return, but if possible, test on Day 5.
No quarantine.
Must continue to wear a mask.
Not required to return, but if possible, test on Day 5.
If the exemptions above don’t apply, use the following chart:
Yes, they have symptoms1
and they have a negative PCR test
Negative PCR test
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
PCR test
Negative PCR test
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
PCR test
Yes, they have symptoms1
And an Alternate Diagnosis
No quarantine. They should stay home until they can provide an alternate diagnosis
The healthcare provider is not required to detail the specifics of the alternate diagnosis.
May return if there is a diagnosis provided by a healthcare professional that identifies a cause of illness other than COVID-19 (eg. stomach virus, ear infection)
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Not required to return
Yes, they have symptoms1
And a negative Antigen test,
And they are vaccinated.2
No quarantine. They should stay home until they can provide an alternate diagnosis
The healthcare provider is not required to detail the specifics of the alternate diagnosis.
May return if there is a diagnosis provided by a healthcare professional that identifies a cause of illness other than COVID-19 (eg. stomach virus, ear infection)
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Not required to return
Yes, they have symptoms1
And a negative Antigen test,
And they are vaccinated.2
No quarantine
With negative Antigen test and proof of vaccination
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Antigen test
Yes, they have symptoms1
And a negative Antigen test,
And they had COVID-19 in the last 90 days
No quarantine
With negative Antigen test and dated proof of prior COVID-19 diagnosis
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Antigen test
No quarantine
With negative Antigen test and proof of vaccination
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Antigen test
Yes, they have symptoms1
And a negative Antigen test,
And they had COVID-19 in the last 90 days
No quarantine
With negative Antigen test and dated proof of prior COVID-19 diagnosis
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Antigen test
Chart continues on the next page
Yes, they have symptoms1
And they do not fit any of the above categories.
Yes, they have symptoms1
And they do not fit any of the above categories.
5 days following your last exposure to the positive household member;
If unable to isolate from the household member (remain separate, no shared common spaces), the “last exposure” is the day their isolation period ends.
5-days begins when the household member’s isolation period ends.
Day 6 (if able to wear a mask consistently and appropriately) OR Day 11 (if unable to wear a mask consistently and appropriately)
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Not required to return, but if possible, test on day 1 (the day you are notified of the exposure) and also test on day 5.
No Symptoms
5 days following your last exposure to the positive household member;
If unable to isolate from the household member (remain separate, no shared common spaces), the “last exposure” is the day their isolation period ends.
5-days begins when the household member’s isolation period ends.
Day 6 (if able to wear a mask consistently and appropriately) OR Day 11 (if unable to wear a mask consistently and appropriately)
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Not required to return, but if possible, test on day 1 (the day you are notified of the exposure) and also test on day 5.
No Symptoms
Unless one of the quarantine exemptions apply
5 days following your last exposure to the positive household member;
If unable to isolate from the household member (remain separate, no shared common spaces), the “last exposure” is the day their isolation period ends.
5-days begins when the household member’s isolation period ends.
Day 6 (if able to wear a mask consistently and appropriately) OR Day 11 (if unable to wear a mask consistently and appropriately)
Not required to return, but if possible, test on day 1 (the day you are notified of the exposure) and also test on day 5.
Unless one of the quarantine exemptions apply
5 days following your last exposure to the positive household member;
If unable to isolate from the household member (remain separate, no shared common spaces), the “last exposure” is the day their isolation period ends.
5-days begins when the household member’s isolation period ends.
Day 6 (if able to wear a mask consistently and appropriately) OR Day 11 (if unable to wear a mask consistently and appropriately)
Not required to return, but if possible, test on day 1 (the day you are notified of the exposure) and also test on day 5.
If you are not positive and exposed, please see section 2.
Yes, they have symptoms1
And a negative PCR test
Yes, they have symptoms1
And a negative PCR test
No quarantine
With negative PCR test
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
PCR test
Yes, they have symptoms1
And a negative Antigen test
And they have not been exposed.
No quarantine
With negative PCR test
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
PCR test
Yes, they have symptoms1
And a negative Antigen test
And they have not been exposed.
No quarantine
With negative Antigen test
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Antigen test
No quarantine
With negative Antigen test
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Antigen test
Yes, they have symptoms1
And an Alternate Diagnosis
No quarantine. They should stay home until they can provide an alternate diagnosis.
The healthcare provider is not required to detail the specifics of the alternate diagnosis.
May return if there is a diagnosis provided by a healthcare professional that identifies a cause of illness other than COVID-19 (eg. stomach virus, ear infection)
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Not required to return
No quarantine. They should stay home until they can provide an alternate diagnosis.
The healthcare provider is not required to detail the specifics of the alternate diagnosis.
May return if there is a diagnosis provided by a healthcare professional that identifies a cause of illness other than COVID-19 (eg. stomach virus, ear infection)
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Not required to return
Yes, they have symptoms1
after receiving COVID-19 vaccine
No quarantine
Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Not required to return
No quarantine
Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Not required to return
Yes, they have symptoms1
And they do not fit any of the above categories.
They did not get tested.
They did not get tested.
5 days from 1st day of symptoms
Day 6 (if able to wear a mask consistently and appropriately) OR Day 11 (if unable to wear a mask consistently and appropriately)
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Not required to return
| Updated Feb. 9, 2022
5 days from 1st day of symptoms
Day 6 (if able to wear a mask consistently and appropriately) OR Day 11 (if unable to wear a mask consistently and appropriately)
AND Fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication. Symptoms have improved.
Not required to return
| Updated Feb. 9, 2022
| 2. Expuesto al COVID-19 | 3. Presenta síntomas del COVID-19 |
Utilice este cuadro para las personas | Expuesto en la comunidad significa que fue expuesto al COVID-19 por alguien que no vive en el mismo hogar. - O - |
Use este cuadro para todas las demás personas con síntomas que no encajen en las otras categorías. |
Expuesto en el hogar significa que alguien que vive en su hogar lo expuso al COVID-19. |
Fiebre o escalofríos | Tos | Falta de aire o dificultad para respirar | Fatiga o cansancio
Dolores musculares o corporales | Dolor de cabeza | Nueva pérdida del gusto o del olfato | Dolor de garganta
Congestión o goteo nasal | Náuseas o vómitos | Diarrea
Vacuna de 2 dosis (2 semanas desde la segunda dosis) -O- Vacuna de dosis única (2 semanas desde la dosis única)
Y, si es elegible, debería haber recibido el refuerzo.
Mayores de 18 años: 2 semanas desde el refuerzo; 5-17 años y han completado una serie primaria de vacunas
Sí, tienen síntomas1 y una prueba positiva del COVID-19 (#1A1) | Al menos 5 días desde sus primeros síntomas O desde la fecha de la prueba positiva | Día 6 (si pueden usar un protector facial de manera constante y adecuada) O Día 11 (si no pueden usar un protector facial de manera constante y adecuada) Y sin fiebre durante 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre. Los síntomas han mejorado. | No se requiere para regresar. |
Sin síntomas y la prueba PCR del COVID-19 positiva #1A2) | 5 días desde la prueba positiva | Día 6 (si pueden usar un protector facial de manera constante y adecuada) O Día 11 (si no pueden usar un protector de manera constante y adecuada) | No se requiere para regresar. |
Sin síntomas y con una prueba rápida de antígeno positiva (#1A2) | 5 días desde la prueba positiva | Pueden regresar con una prueba PCR negativa realizada dentro de las 24 a 48 horas posteriores al resultado positivo en la prueba de antígeno De lo contrario, el día 6 (si pueden usar un protector facial de manera constante y adecuada) O el día 11 (si no puede usar un protector facial de manera constante y adecuada) | Prueba PCR No se requiere para regresar a menos que usen la prueba PCR para acortar su cuarentena. |
Sí, tienen síntomas1 y tienen una prueba de PCR negativa(#2A1) | No cuarentena | Prueba de PCR negativa Y sin fiebre durante 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre. Los síntomas han mejorado. | Prueba PCR |
Sí, tienen síntomas1y un diagnóstico alternativo(#2A2) | No cuarentena. Deben permanecer en casa hasta que puedan proporcionar un diagnóstico alternativo. El proveedor de atención médica no está obligado a divulgar los detalles del diagnóstico alternativo. | Pueden regresar si tienen un diagnóstico proporcionado por un profesional de la salud que identifique una causa de enfermedad que no sea el COVID-19 (por ejemplo, virus estomacal, infección de oído) Y sin fiebre durante 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre. Los síntomas han mejorado. | No se requiere para regresar |
Sí, tienen síntomas1 Y prueba rápida de antígeno negativa y están vacunados.2(#2A3) | No cuarentena | Prueba rápida de antígeno negativa y comprobante de vacunación Y sin fiebre durante 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre. Los síntomas han mejorado. | Prueba rápida de antígeno |
Sí, tienen síntomas1 Y una prueba rápida de antígeno negativa y tuvieron COVID-19 en los últimos 90 días (#2A4) | No cuarentena | Prueba rápida de antígeno negativa y comprobante fechado de diagnóstico previo del COVID-19 Y sin fiebre durante 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre. Los síntomas han mejorado. | Prueba rápida de antígeno |
Sí, tienen síntomas1 Y no encajan en ninguna de las categorías anteriores. (#2A5) | 5 días desde el primer día de síntomas | Día 6 (si puede usar un protector facial de manera constante y adecuada) O Día 11 (si no puede usar un protector facial de manera constante y adecuada) Y sin fiebre durante 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre. Los síntomas han mejorado. | No se requiere para regresar |
Sin síntomas (#2A6) | No cuarentena | Pueden permanecer en la escuela o el trabajo Deben continuar usando un protector facial. | No se requiere para regresar Si es posible, hágase la prueba el día 1 (el día en que se le notifica la exposición) y una prueba adicional el día 5. |
Si no tienen síntomas, primero verifique si califican para exenciones de cuarentena en la tabla a continuación:
Sin síntomas Y la persona está vacunada 2 (#2B1) | No cuarentena si está al día con las vacunas recomendadas. | Debe mostrar un comprobante de vacunación fechado para regresar Debe continuar usando un protector facial. | No se requiere para regresar, pero si es posible, hágase la prueba el día 5. |
Sin síntomas Y la persona fue diagnosticada con el COVID-19 en los últimos 90 días (#2B2) | No cuarentena | Debe continuar usando un protector facial. | No se requiere para regresar, pero si es posible, hágase la prueba el día 5. |
Si las exenciones anteriores no aplican, use la siguiente tabla:
Sí, tienen síntomas1y tienen una prueba PCR negativa(#2B3) | No cuarentena | Prueba de PCR negativa Y sin fiebre durante 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre. Los síntomas han mejorado. | Prueba PCR |
Sí, tienen síntomas1Y un Diagnóstico Alternativo(#2B4) | No cuarentena. Deben permanecer en casa hasta que puedan proporcionar un diagnóstico alternativo. El proveedor de atención médica no está obligado a divulgar los detalles del diagnóstico alternativo. | Pueden regresar si hay un diagnóstico proporcionado por un profesional de la salud que identifique una causa de enfermedad que no sea el COVID-19 (por ejemplo, virus estomacal, infección de oído) Y sin fiebre durante 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre. Los síntomas han mejorado. | No se requiere para regresar. |
Sí, tienen síntomas1 Y prueba de antígeno negativa, Y están vacunados.2 (#2B5) | No cuarentena | Prueba de antígeno negativa y comprobante de vacunación Y sin fiebre durante 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre. Los síntomas han mejorado. | Prueba de antígeno |
Sí, tienen síntomas1 Y una prueba de antígeno negativa y tuvieron COVID-19 en los últimos 90 días (#2B6) | No cuarentena | Prueba de antígeno negativa y comprobante fechado del diagnóstico previo del COVID-19 Y sin fiebre durante 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre. Los síntomas han mejorado. | Prueba de antígeno |
El gráfico continúa en la página siguiente
Sí, tienen síntomas1 Y no encajan en ninguna de las categorías anteriores. (#2B7) | 5 días después de su última exposición a la persona positiva en el hogar; Si no pueden aislarse de la persona en el hogar (permanecer separados, sin compartir espacios comunes), la "última exposición" es el día en que finaliza su período de aislamiento. Los 5 días comienzan cuando finaliza el período de aislamiento de la persona en el hogar. | Día 6 (si pueden usar un protector facial de manera constante y adecuada) O Día 11 (si no pueden usar un protector facial de manera constante y adecuada) Y sin fiebre durante 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre. Los síntomas han mejorado. | No se requiere para regresar, pero si es posible, hágase la prueba el día 1 (el día en que se le notifica la exposición) y una prueba adicional el día 5. |
Sin síntomas (#2B8) | A menos que aplique una de las exenciones de cuarentena 5 días después de su última exposición a la persona positiva en el hogar; Si no pueden aislarse de la persona en el hogar (permanecer separados, sin compartir espacios comunes), la "última exposición" es el día en que finaliza su período de aislamiento. Los 5 días comienzan cuando finaliza el período de aislamiento de la persona en el hogar. | Día 6 (si pueden usar un protector facial de manera constante y adecuada) O Día 11 (si no pueden usar un protector facial de manera constante y adecuada) | No se requiere para regresar, pero si es posible, hágase la prueba el día 1 (el día en que se le notifica la exposición) y una prueba adicional el día 5. |
Si usted no ha dado positivo y está expuesto al COVID-19, consulte la sección 2.
Sí, tienen síntomas1 Y una prueba PCR negativa (#3A1) | No cuarentena | Con prueba PCR negativa Y sin fiebre durante 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre. Los síntomas han mejorado. | Prueba PCR |
Sí, tienen síntomas1 una prueba de antígeno negativa Y no han estado expuestos. (#3A2) | No cuarentena | Con prueba de antígeno negativa Y sin fiebre durante 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre. Los síntomas han mejorado. | Prueba rápida de antígeno |
Sí, tienen síntomas1y un Diagnóstico Alternativo(#3A3) | No cuarentena. Deben permanecer en casa hasta que puedan proporcionar un diagnóstico alternativo. El proveedor de atención médica no está obligado a divulgar los detalles del diagnóstico alternativo. | Pueden regresar si hay un diagnóstico proporcionado por un profesional de la salud que identifique una causa de enfermedad que no sea el COVID-19 (por ejemplo, virus estomacal, infección de oído) Y sin fiebre durante 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre. Los síntomas han mejorado. | No se requiere para regresar |
Sí, tienen síntomas1después de recibir la vacuna contra el COVID-19(#3A4) | No cuarentena | Sin fiebre durante 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre. Los síntomas han mejorado. | No se requiere para regresar |
Sí, tienen síntomas1 | 5 días a partir del primer día de síntomas | Día 6 (si pueden usar un protector facial de manera constante y adecuada) O Día 11 (si no puede usar un protector de manera constante y adecuada) Y sin fiebre durante 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre. Los síntomas han mejorado. | No se requiere para regresar |
| Actualizado el 9 de febrero de 2022
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